
Feature and Follow Friday (13)

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted over at Parajunkee and Alison can Read. This week's question:

Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?

I prefer hardcover books, but I like paperbacks too! I don't read eBooks, nor have an eBook reader.


Feel free to leave a comment and follow any way you please! (Twitter - Goodreads - RSS)


Teaser Tuesday: Spoiled by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

My Teaser Tuesday for this week comes from Spoiled by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan:

She flipped open the magazine she'd purloined from Charmaine's stash. People showed Brick beaming as part of a story about him buying an alpaca farm for a costar who'd expressed a passing yearning to make sweaters, and he was in Us's "Stars... They're Just Like Us!" section as someone who "loves sandwiches," illustrated by a grainy photo of Brick coming out of a Subway restaurant.
-Pg. 33


Teaser Tuesday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


The End of Google Reader

Unfortunately, as of July 1st Google Reader will be no more. I've been a fan of the service for years so it really upsets me to have to look elsewhere, but alas things must go on.

Thankfully, my search wasn't long. Feedly let me transfer over almost all of my blogs to their services. The only ones that won't be making it are the ones that I registered for through the Google Reader app. This isn't a major problem for me, as I already separated out the book blogs that I read frequently and put them in a new category that successfully made it to feedly.

This switch-over has also been very cleansing for me. I was following a lot of blogs that weren't posting anything anymore and many that were reviewing books that I wasn't interested in reading. It's nice that I'm kind of being forced to put my priorities in order and look again at what sorts of blogs I want to be reading and what sorts of content that I want to be reading.

I hope that everyone who is being displaced by Google finds the system that works for them!


Polish and Prose (3)

It's been a long time since I picked up this book, When She Woke by Hillary Jordan, but the cover is so dynamic that I thought it would translate well to my nails:

These were also done simply. I painted my nails red and waited for the polish to dry. Then, I placed a piece of clear tape down the center of each, pressed it down, and painted the uncovered sides black. After they dried I tidied them up a bit and here they are!

Until next time!