
Fantastic Covers Friday (8): Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Fantastic Covers Friday is a weekly meme over here at Brave New Shelf where I highlight beautiful covers that I find, from both old books and new, from young adult books.

This Week:

The Japanese covers for the three books of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. (NOT graphic novels!)

[Cover information unknown. Please leave a comment if you know the artist/ designer!]

I've been having a lot of mixed feelings brought on by the Twilight books recently, so expect some themed posts coming up. The one thing that I like about Meyer's website is that she's collected some of the covers of her books from around the world, and ever since I read the first book in seventh grade I've been in love with the illustrations from the Japanese editions. Each book is divided into three, and they're on a very, very short list of mine of covers I like with drawn humans.

I like that they're frank: the books are about Edward and Bella. Bella and Edward. You don't need any unnecessary images, those would just clog up the cover. I also think that they're a nice change from the red, black, and white theme of the American covers, though those are lovely too. The second one is my favorite, I love Bella's sweet smile and calm pose.

If you do an Internet search you can find some of the other images from the book series, I highly recommend it!

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